Furnace Repair

Keep your home warm all winter long with Elite Comfort Systems' electric and gas furnace repair services!

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Furnace Repair in Idaho Falls

You don't need us to tell you that Idaho Falls' winters can make home life unbearable when you don't have reliable heating systems providing warm air. Unfortunately, that extreme weather forces us to lean on our furnace daily during the heating season, which can strain and ultimately break the system.
If your furnace is on the fritz, a furnace repair service from Elite Comfort Systems will restore it to full strength. 

Need to change your system's heating air filter?

Contact us to learn about our Filter Replacement services.

Signs You Need Immediate Furnace Repairs

Some furnace issues can wait until the next day, while others are hazardous to leave alone. Luckily, you don't need to be a furnace or heat pump expert to know when your heating equipment is about to collapse; just look for these three signs and call Elite Comfort Systems as soon as you spot them.

Broken Heat Exchanger

A broken heat exchanger is the most hazardous issue that happens to an HVAC system. These essential components will leak carbon monoxide into your living space if they crack, poisoning your indoor air.
If you're experiencing headaches, dizziness, or other carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms while running your HVAC system, shut it off immediately and call Elite Comfort Systems for emergency fixes.

Irregular Sights and Sounds

Irregular flames tilt toward one side of the system and are the most common reason heat exchangers break. Unfortunately, these flames can cause many other issues, including a completely broken flame sensor or system, so it's crucial to fix the improper heating as soon as possible.
Unusual growing or popping noises are also clear indicators you need a furnace tune-up.

Short Cycling

Furnaces that run for three to five minutes at a time typically have interior thermostat issues keeping them from sensing temperature. These problems can make your HVAC useless, but we can fix them quickly.

How to Protect Your Heating System

HVAC issues can happen at any time, but there are simple steps you can take to limit their frequency.

Regular furnace maintenance

Maintenance is the key to a long-lasting heating system that will keep you warm all winter. Personal maintenance such as regularly replacing your air filter can go a long way. Additionally, we recommend checking your gas usage to ensure your heating system runs efficiently. An annual check-up from Elite Comfort Systems will ensure your HVAC system is at full strength for the year ahead. Our regular maintenance services include full system inspections, cleaning, and parts replacements.

Is your heater failing to warm your house?

Call us for Furnace Repair services.

Professional Furnace Repair in Idaho Falls from Elite Comfort Systems

Our team at Elite Comfort Systems offers unbeatable furnace repair.
Our certified technicians can diagnose any HVAC issue and repair it within minutes to get your home warm for the harsh Idaho Falls winter.

Schedule emergency repairs the second your furnace acts up.

Call (208) 534-1196 Today!